Sunday, February 23, 2020

Property Business Skills Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Property Business Skills - Term Paper Example This study will begin with the self management skills. They are necessary as the researcher has to at first manage the competencies of himself, so that he can easily use his skills and make the strategies for achieving the objective and goals. The researcher has developed the skill in the workshops which were included in the course works. Self management skill is such a skill; he can also present it to his employer as it would help him and in turn the company to achieve the objectives easily as the researcher would be able to developing himself and utilize the resources available to him optimally. For being successful a person has to control his emotion. He should have the ability to control himself whether he should express or restrict his feelings in certain situation. One should think about what would be the affect of the expression of his on others in a specific situation. The researcher has learned how to deal with the emotions of himself in the workshop that has taken place dur ing the course work. It is necessary for whom when the researcher will negotiate with a person about the property dealing. When it is necessary to express my emotion and when it would be good to control it, that would be help me to get success in my business and in the company. Negotiation skill is another necessary skill which a person should have when he is in the business of property dealing and the researcher have gained the skill through the workshop that was part of the course work. During the practical implication we have to do mock negotiations and I have effectively done that. In any type of business where I have to sale a good or any service then it is necessary for me that I have the negotiation skill so that I can gain maximum profit from the transfer which would be effective for any organization. Communication Competence When a person want to make any deal successfully then it is necessary for him to communicate with the other person successfully. Communication doesnâ⠂¬â„¢t only mean the language problem, but also it includes the gestures in the communication. When the two parties can communicate properly then a good deal can be made. I have acquired necessary knowledge about communication in the course work when I have to make mock deals with the persons who speak different language. Positive Attitude Attitude is the most important thing when I have to make a deal with some other person. If I have the negative attitude then it is really tough to make the deal, the person who is going to buy the property he would have some negative thinking about the property. But the positive attitude in the dealer would be able to inject the attitude in the person who is there to buy the property. I had the positive attitude before I have joined the course but I have developed it with the practical works during the course work. Various Approaches to Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative Dispute Resolution includes the process and techniques for solving th e issues regarding the property disputes. Through the methods the parties come to an agreement which is alternative to legal court hearing. The process has become popular now days as the legal process is not included in the process, so the cost would be less for the two parties. The traditions of Alternative dispute resolution vary from country to country though the processes can be divided in four types. These are as follows. Negotiation: Negotiation is the process through which the two parties reached in an understanding about the disputed property. The parties negotiate for the advantage of the both the parties for

Friday, February 7, 2020

Economic environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Economic environment - Essay Example This is the case in the United States where the levels of price and wages do not fluctuate beyond a certain measure (Friedman, 1968). The role of fiscal policy is to control the spending power and revenue collection of the government. For instance, during phases of high unemployment government can increase public spending or can reduce taxation. This will also help in increasing the declining demand of products as low taxes will increase the purchasing power of consumers (Eshag, 1983, p.41). II. Human development index (HDI) is an assessment of the average achievement of human development in a specific period like life expectation, education and per capita income. Australia ranks in the second position with a value of 0.933 while Qatar ranks in the thirty-first position with a value of 0.851 in the HDI table (Human Development Index [Table 1]). In 2013, the life expectancy of males in Australia was 80.3 years, in Bangladesh it was 69.9 years, and in Uganda it was 58.0 years (Human Development Index [Table 5]). Australia is a developed country and its life expectancy of males is much higher than Bangladesh or Uganda – both of which are developing economies. There are various factors that cause such differences in life expectancy and they are education, employment, government policies, lifestyle like excessive smoking or drinking can cause obesity leading to heart diseases, and so