Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Brief Note On The Louisiana Territory Impacted The...

Sonny Boddie Period 3 Mrs. McQuade Research Paper Outline In 1803, the Louisiana territory impacted the United States of America with the acquisition of land all across North America. â€Å"Immediately after the ratification of the present Treaty by the President of the United States†¦the commissary of the French Republic shall remit all military posts of New Orleans and other parts of the ceded territory to†¦the President to take possession†. The Louisiana territory was purchased from the French for fifteen million dollars. This was after the Spanish had sold the territory to France. Unlike the United States, France had not realized the great significance of this land and all the opportunities it could have potentially opened to their own†¦show more content†¦The Louisiana Purchase allowed more efficient methods of trading goods through a boost in new opportunities. New Orleans, a piece of property that came with the purchase, became a major shipping port for the United States. â€Å"The treaty gave American tra ders a place to unload their flatboats and a bateaux near the port of New Orleans so they could transfer their cargoes to ocean-going vessels† . Being able to transfer goods to ocean-going ships facilitated the process of trade. New Orleans opened trading access to the Mississippi and the rest of the world. By controlling the New Orleans port, the United States had the capability to trade with overseas nations. Previously, states further inland had to transport their products all the way to the East Coast which took several weeks due to the poor transportation routes which included crossing or going around the Appalachian Mountains. The US economy was now able to grow at a much greater rate. Furthermore, as part of the Louisiana Purchase treaty, the United States was given full control of the Mississippi River. â€Å"Americans living on the frontier west of the Appalachians were dependent on shipping their agricultural goods†¦to New Orleans. Thus, they needed the Mississ ippi†. Being on the west of the Appalachian Mountains made it difficult to transport products, however now with occupation of the Mississippi, crops and goods could be transported west of the mountains in a more efficient manner.

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